Jake Gyllenhaal’s lawyers are taking action against website bosses who posted a picture online which appears to depict the star in his underwear.

The photo shows the Brokeback Mountain actor in tight white briefs and socks as he stretches on one leg in a pose resembling Grace Jones’ stance on her Island Life album cover.

Gyllenhaal’s legal team has fired off letters to a number of websites, including Queerty.com and Buzzfeed.com, demanding that the photo is removed.

The star’s attorneys write, “As anybody could tell from a cursory examination, this is a fake picture, in which our client’s head has been pasted on the body of another person”, adding that it portrays him “in a false light, violating his right of publicity and constituting a false designation of origin in violation of the Lanham Act”.

But Gyllenhaal has a fight on his hands – chiefs at Queerty.com are refusing to remove the image until it is proved to be a fake: “We’re keeping the photo up, since it hasn’t been proven fake and because their letter bumped it from ‘funny and cute’ to ‘actually newsworthy.'”
