Site History

Site Name: I Heart Jake
Established: November 7th, 2003
Webmaster: Stephanie
Founded by: Ally
Hosted by: Fansite Host
Domains: / / was established by Ally in November 2003 and was maintained by her for the next few months. Ally was soon joined by Stephanie in May 2004, who aided her in updating and taking care of the fansite. As time went by, Ally got busy with real life and eventually lost interest in maintaining the website. Stephanie, now the main webmaster, continued to dedicate her time to the fansite for the next 7 years.

In July of 2011, joined forces with Jake Gyllenhaal Online, another great site dedicated to Jake, owned and maintained by Connie. With the merge of IHJ and JGO, underwent many changes, including converting to WordPress, acquiring a video archive, and welcoming a new co-webmaster (Connie).

Soon after merging sites in 2011, Connie decided to leave the fansite world for good.

I Heart Jake celebrates 21 years online this November (2024).