If you were worried that the sandy residue of Prince of Persia would stay lodged in your Jake Gyllenhaal-loving brain forever, then get ready to forget the hunk ever starred in that disaster of an action flick.

We recently saw Love and Other Drugs—Jake’s latest flick that hits theatres next month—and it’s good…really good. And while the movie made us completely forget Jake’s recent box-office blunder, could it earn him a second Oscar nom?

Eh, probably not.

Though, that’s not to say Jake wasn’t fantastic in the role—have we made that clear yet, ’cause we’re more than happy to say it half a dozen more times.

In fact, we have to say we’re relieved, because the part is everything we’ve been telling J.G. to play: funny, boyishly charming and sincere (something that’s been lacking from his recent trips to the big screen and tabloid persona).

Hell, nice boy Jake playing a total womanizer was even perfect! Come to think of it, his chemistry with costar Anne Hathaway is some of the hottest we’ve seen of late—and definitely the most sizzlin’ from Jakey (including his offscreen chem with broads like Reese Witherspoon).

And when the material gets heavier, he busts out those acting chops we knew he had all along. He’s back to that old-school emotional stuff he does so well and which we’ve been dying to see again.

Consider us giddy with Gyllenhaal glee.

All signs point upward if this movie is any indication of Jake’s projects to come. We knew the guy had a good head on his shoulders.

Oh, and the fact that he’s naked a good portion of the film didn’t hurt either. We’ll definitely be getting in line and shelling out our hard-earned bucks to take another peak at his tush…and abs…and arms…well, let’s just say we’ll be seeing the movie again.
