After all the controversy surrounding the nudity in his film Love and Other Drugs, Jake Gyllenhaal couldn’t be happier with his and co-star Anne Hathaway’s nominations.

“I feel like so much has been made about the nudity in this film. I think the wonderful irony about this is that I think people got carried away with that and the thing that makes the film so special and so important to me was the intimacy between the two characters and what Annie [Hathaway] and I
share on screen and what we shared with [director] Ed Zwick while we were making it,” he says.

In fact, the actor, who is in L.A., wasn’t expecting the early-morning announcement at all. “My phone kept ringing at home and it was 6:30 in the morning and I had like 25 emails, which is either awesome, or disconcerting at certain times in your life.”

But, he’s not upset about the lack of sleep. “There are times when it’s so awesome to be tired, and this is one of those times.”

So what was Gyllenhaal, whose next film Source Code is out April 1, 2011, going to do to celebrate?

“Some form of caffeine is definitely in order,” he joked. “I’m planning on heading to meet my family soon for the holidays, which really, ultimately, I’m looking forward to the most. So, I’m just gonna be packing and smiling.”
