Professional lunatic Bear Grylls has confirmed that Love and Other Drugs star Jake Gyllenhaal will be the next Hollywood actor to join his adventure show Man vs Wild.

Bear — a man who’s drunk his own wee and the warm blood of animals he’s killed with his bare hands (he is amazing) — revealed that his yet-to-be-filmed collaboration with Jake came about because of an offhand remark the actor made on a talk show.

“Jake was just joking [about what it’s like to be famous],” Bear told reporters during his recent trip to Sydney. “He was going, ‘Yeah, it’s great, I get whatever I want — if I get in trouble in the wild I just call Bear Grylls.”

Bear and Jake had never actually met at that point, but it wasn’t long before the former called up the latter and invited him to “put his money where his mouth is”. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never make jokes about Bear Grylls. The man is hardcore.

Other celebs to join Bear on his wacky adventures include Will Ferrell and Ben Stiller.
