Denzel & Jake On Bringing A Powerhouse ‘Othello’ To Broadway
27 February, 2025 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews, Othello

We’re talking about faith. Last December, just before Christmas, actor Denzel Washington was baptized and licensed as a minister, and so it hasn’t taken long, chatting about his return to Broadway playing the title role in Othello, for conversation to turn to matters of belief. Not religious, per se; Shakespeare’s great tragedy turns on themes of love and jealousy and betrayal. Perhaps, I muse, Othello’s choice to trust the evidence of his eyes—a planted handkerchief—over his innocent wife Desdemona’s protests that she has never strayed, is a kind of loss of faith, a misguided embrace of rationality over spirit. “Well, sure, he wants proof,” pipes up Jake Gyllenhaal, who co-stars in the production as Iago, planter of the aforementioned handkerchief, “and, Iago keeps leading him back to the handkerchief—look, look!—but the only reason he can manipulate Othello that way is that they have a bond. They’ve fought together, trusted each other with their lives. He knows this is a man with a great sense of faith and love.”


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Jake Covers The Fall/Winter Issue of ‘Document Journal’
13 October, 2024 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews

As a stage and screen actor, Jake Gyllenhaal is in the business of making realities from language. His personal theories on acting are like a re-spun version of the linguistic propositions in J. L. Austin’s 1962 book How to Do Things with Words.

The British philosopher proposed that language didn’t merely communicate but enacted. A promise, a command, a warning, a declaration (“I now pronounce you man and wife!”)—such performative speech acts, Austin said, didn’t just describe the world but intervened in lived experience. Gyllenhaal, by interpreting the instructions of the script, transmutes the written word into an embodied text. “Acting is an interpretation of somebody else’s text,” he says.

“So, if you’ve ever written an essay, it’s about writing an essay with your behavior.”


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Jake Gyllenhaal Just Wants to Freak Himself Out
5 June, 2024 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews, Videos

Jake Gyllenhaal pulls his glasses out of his jean jacket pocket, the Coke bottle lenses in them strong enough to correct his 20/1250 vision. Yes, you read that right. These are not Internet Boyfriend glasses, to be styled with a fuzzy cardigan and a rakish smile. These are I Literally Can’t See glasses. Looking through them with normal vision feels like being on some sort of a hallucinogenic.

Gyllenhaal, 43, has been wearing intensive corrective lenses since he was about 6. Born with a lazy eye that naturally resolved, he’s still legally blind. “I like to think it’s advantageous,” he says. “I’ve never known anything else. When I can’t see in the morning, before I put on my glasses, it’s a place where I can be with myself.” He has used his blindness sometimes to help him as an actor — when he was shooting a difficult scene in the 2015 boxing movie Southpaw, one in which police tell his character that his wife has died, Gyllenhaal removed his contacts to force himself to listen more closely.


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Jake Remembers First SNL Monologue: “It’s Hard to Forget”
18 May, 2024 Author: Catagories: Interviews

Jake Gyllenhaal is your Host for the Season 49 finale of Saturday Night Live — and for the Road House actor it feels like “graduation.”

“It’s the season finale right before Season 50, which is… amazing. Being on the show has always been a dream,” Gyllenhaal told NBC’s Mark Barger in a new interview. “I got to do it for the first time, do it again, and then the finale feels like some sort of graduation of having been able to survive and do it. It’s an honor. It’s a great honor.”

When the 43-year-old, who previously hosted SNL on January 13, 2007, and most recently on April 9, 2022, is asked what he remembers about his first time hosting he says, “I remember my very first monologue, I remember singing Dreamgirls, and I remember having a dress on underneath a suit. And I remember hoping, so hoping that it wouldn’t reveal until the moment.”


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Jake Gyllenhaal Covers ‘L’Officiel Hommes’ Magazine
19 April, 2024 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews

Jake is featured on the cover of the Spring 2024 issue of L’Officiel Hommes (Italy) magazine. The spread includes a brand new photoshoot and interview with Jake. You can read the interview behind the cut, and view the photoshoot in our gallery. Digital scans have also been added to the gallery.

Gallery Links:
Magazine Scans > 2024 > L’Officiel Hommes (Italy) | Spring
Photoshoots & Outtakes > Sessions > 2024 > Session 2 [L’Officiel Hommes]


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