Jake participated in a live Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) earlier today to promote his latest film ‘Nightcrawler’ and answer questions from fans! Check it out here.
I think celebrity culture is strange, because celebrities are kind of treated as non-people, rather more like a product or something to be consumed. How does your celebrity status impact your sense of humanity or self? I ask this as someone who is certainly not a celebrity but still sometimes has a hard time tapping into what it means to feel part of humanity, or human.
What I’ve realized is that there’s a real intimacy being in a movie theater with someone in the dark. And I have connections with people whom I see in that context, and the movies that they are in really move me.
But I think it’s really important to see that STORY is the most important thing. Ultimately it’s not the person, but the story that has the greatest impact.