Jake Gyllenhaal Covers VMAN Magazine
11 September, 2013 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews, News & Headlines

Jake Gyllenhaal is featured on cover of the 10th Anniversary Issue of VMan magazine. Check out the cover photo and new photo shoot in our gallery. To read the full article from the magazine, click behind the cut.

Gallery Links:
Magazine Scans > P – Z > VMAN
Photoshoots & Outtakes > Sessions > Photoshoots From 2013 > Session 002 [VMAN]


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The Cast of ‘Prisoners’ Talk Loss, Family and God
11 September, 2013 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Prisoners

Director Denis Villeneuve has much to be proud of, as his new thriller earned the respect and adulation of the Toronto International Film Festival community.

During our visit to Toronto, we got a chance to sit in on the press junket, which featured the cast (minus Viola Davis), composer Jóhann Jóhannsson, costume designer Renee April, and director Denis Villeneuve. The chat featured everyone confessing how it felt to deal with the real and imagined loss of their children; what they would do if placed in a similar real-life scenario; how Prisoners truly affected their own family life, and the impact of God and their respective beliefs.

Listen to the conversation in the embedded player below:


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Photoshoot: Jake Gyllenhaal For Elle Men China
10 September, 2013 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews

Jake Gyllenhaal is featured on the cover of the September 2013 issue of Elle Men China. Check out the new photo shoot in our gallery, courtesy of ellechina.com. The magazine is on newsstands now.

Gallery Links:
Magazine Scans > A – F > Elle Men (China)
Photoshoots & Outtakes > Sessions > Photoshoots From 2013 > Session 001 [Elle Men China]

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Jake on ‘Prisoners,’ Tattoos & Twitches, and More
9 September, 2013 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Prisoners

Jake Gyllenhaal is a bit of a mystery. From playing a boy in a bubble in “Bubble Boy” to a disturbed teenager in “Donnie Darko,” from an action hero in “Prince of Persia” to a cowboy in love with another cowboy in “Brokeback Mountain,” he chooses roles that make it hard to pin him down as an actor. So it’s no wonder he was drawn to the enigmatic Detective Loki in director Denis Villeneuve’s harrowing “Prisoners,” which had its Canadian premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival.

When Moviefone sat down with Gyllenhaal in Toronto to talk tats and twitches, the actor refused to divulge too much of his character’s past, but he did reveal some bromantic feelings for Villeneuve, the scenes in “Prisoners” that “wrecked” him for days, and the blockbuster franchise he’s dying to be a part of.


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Jake On His Collaborations With Denis & ‘Prince of Persia’
8 September, 2013 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Prisoners

In an alternate universe, Jake Gyllenhaal just finished filming “Prince of Persia 4.” This alternate universe isn’t too complex to imagine, because if Jerry Bruckheimer’s plan had worked, the “Prince of Persia” movies would have been a franchise the size of “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Of course, “Prince of Persia” wasn’t a hit and, instead, Jake Gyllenhaal is making some of the most absorbing movies of his career.

Two of these absorbing movies — “Prisoners” and “Enemy,” both playing at the Toronto International Film Festival — are with director Denis Villeneuve. When I mentioned the possibility that these movies don’t get made — at least with Gyllenhaal — if “Persia” had been a success, Gyllenhaal smiled and, as diplomatically as possible, made it clear he’s happy that things worked out the way that they did.


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