Jackman, Gyllenhaal Face Off In ‘Prisoners’
29 May, 2013 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews, Prisoners

Things are getting tense between Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal in Prisoners.

The thriller (out Sept. 20) features Jackman as a frantic father who is searching for his kidnapped daughter and is frustrated with the police detective (Gyllenhaal) on the case. For Gyllenhaal and French-Canadian director Denis Villeneuve, it’s their second collaboration in a row, with their thriller An Enemy due out later this year.

Gyllenhaal says his Detective Loki and Jackman’s Keller Dover are working on different levels in Prisoners. “This is instinct meeting institution, and neither of us looks very happy. But there are similarities between the two of them, which is why they butt heads.”


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MSN Movies’ Jake Gyllenhaal Webchat Highlights
30 November, 2012 Author: Catagories: Interviews, News & Headlines

Jake stopped by the MSN headquarters today to answer fan’s questions about his new movie ‘End Of Watch’, his amazing beard and what biscuit he likes to dunk into his tea. Check out the highlights from the interview below:

Theo asked: I heard you were tasered in preparation for the role! What was that all about!? Surely that’s taking dedication to the role a tad far?

Jake: That is true, all of the actors who play police offers in the movie were tasered. We were offered the option of being pepper sprayed and we opted for short and painful as opposed to long and painful. I’d been four months in prep already so when it came down to us going to the police academy, we’d already spent four months with police officers on the street in South Central LA.


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Empire Podcast
30 November, 2012 Author: Catagories: Gallery Updates, Interviews

Jake Gyllenhaal dropped by the Empire magazine headquarters in London this week to discuss his latest film, ‘End of Watch’. Listen to the interview below. Jake’s part begins at around 1.16.

Gallery Links:
Public Appearances > Publicity Shows > Empire

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‘End of Watch’ Interviews (Videos)
23 November, 2012 Author: Catagories: End of Watch, Interviews, Videos

The video archive has been updated with more interviews with Jake and the cast of ‘End of Watch’. Follow the links to watch! These videos (and more) are also available for download in the media section.

Video Links:
‘End of Watch’ Interview (Studio Canal)
‘End of Watch’ Interview (DP/30)
‘End of Watch’ Interview (GoldDerby)
‘End of Watch’ Interview (The Hot Hits)
‘End of Watch’ Interview (CineMovie.TV)
‘End of Watch’ Interview (Filmbeat TV)
‘End of Watch’ Interview (MyMazzTV)
‘End of Watch’ Interview (Stephen Holt Show)

Keep an eye on the archive, more will be added as they become available!

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Jake Gyllenhaal Talks Must-See ‘End of Watch’
23 November, 2012 Author: Catagories: End of Watch, Interviews

Of all the dark horse Oscar hopefuls this year, none deserves more consideration than Jake Gyllenhaal for his role as an LA cop in David Ayer’s “End of Watch.” It’s such a competitive year for leading actors that I hope this performance in a this well-reviewed indie film will be seen. Critics groups may give it some attention.

Major movie stars have a hint of danger about them; Gyllenhaal, who hits 32 in December, is one of many boyish American leading men who are earning gravitas as they age. “End of Watch” marks Gyllenhaal’s finest and most aggressively mature work to date.

Whether or not “End of Watch” ends up at the top of Academy voters’ screener piles, we can be sure that Gyllenhaal’s best work is still to come.

Gyllenhaal called me on the phone from New York:


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