Jake sat down with Conan O’Brien to discuss ‘Nightcrawler’. Check out the interview in our video archive.

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Jake sat down with Conan O’Brien to discuss ‘Nightcrawler’. Check out the interview in our video archive.
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Jake Gyllenhaal and Rene Russo stopped by The Queen Latifah Show to talk about their new film, ‘Nightcrawler’. Follow the link below to watch the interview in our video archive. Enjoy!
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Public Appearances > Publicity Shows > The Queen Latifah Show
Jake participated in a live Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) earlier today to promote his latest film ‘Nightcrawler’ and answer questions from fans! Check it out here.
I think celebrity culture is strange, because celebrities are kind of treated as non-people, rather more like a product or something to be consumed. How does your celebrity status impact your sense of humanity or self? I ask this as someone who is certainly not a celebrity but still sometimes has a hard time tapping into what it means to feel part of humanity, or human.
What I’ve realized is that there’s a real intimacy being in a movie theater with someone in the dark. And I have connections with people whom I see in that context, and the movies that they are in really move me.
But I think it’s really important to see that STORY is the most important thing. Ultimately it’s not the person, but the story that has the greatest impact.
Jake stopped by The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon to discuss his latest film, ‘Nightcrawler’. He also participated in a game of ‘Water War’ with Jimmy. Follow the link below to watch the videos. Enjoy!
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Public Appearances > Publicity Shows > The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Jake Gyllenhaal plumbs even deeper depths in Nightcrawler, a timely look at today’s in-your-face media. (Interview and photo courtesy of Deadline.com.)
What appealed to you about taking on this film, as the star as well as producer?
This character was beautifully written. The dialogue is pretty extraordinary. And as soon as I read it, just even the style—which if you read the script itself—was an amazing read. I found it satirical. In fact, the irony of it is that I think it’s incredibly funny. I think there are not many movies that are subversively communicating an idea through a character. I think we all have a part of ourselves who is a little bit like Lou. We all (should) feel a little complicit in creating Lou because he’s a product of our need to consume. I speak for myself, and I definitely was complicit in creating Lou.