Jake Gyllenhaal: Brokeback Was Just Acting!
8 November, 2010 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Love and Other Drugs, News & Headlines

Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway team up—and majorly get it on—for the first time since Brokeback Mountain in their new rom-com Love and Other Drugs (which we can’t stop raving about).

“It’s different because this story is about us,” Jake told us on the carpet for his premiere at the AFI Fest presented by Audi. “The other story was about how we were not into each other.”

And Gyllenhaal is hoping his chemistry with Hathaway in this flick will set the horny record straight. Way straight:

“I would hope that this could clear the air that it was acting,” J.G. said referring to his homolicious role in Brokeback with late BFF Heath Ledger.

“[Anne and I] have sex like 16 or 17 times in this one,” laughed Jake to reporters about his and “Annie’s” chemistry (which is real good).

“To be making a movie also that can be easily cliché and work with someone that talented just ups the game,” Gyllenhaal told us about why he had so much fun on this par-tick flick.

“Maybe it’s our experience in movies past or our love for each other as friends, but there’s real stuff going on. That makes it more special than any romantic comedy I’ve seen lately.”

Oh yeah, and the fact that Jake’s hot tush, abs and invitation muscles are on display totally doesn’t hurt either.

Once we saw the flick for a second time and could pay attention to the acting instead of bod, we think J.G. could get his name thrown around the mix during awards season. At least for a Globe!

BTW, we are also way prepared after you guys check this movie out to answer your “can Anne and Jake please be together in real life?” questions in the Bitch-Backs.

Sorry—strictly plutonic there folks.

But, Jake, don’t totally distance yourself from Brokeback. That role and this one equally showcase your amazing talent and yumness.

We’ll take ya either way!


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Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway look back fondly on co-star Jill Clayburgh
7 November, 2010 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Love and Other Drugs, News & Headlines

Oscar-nominated actress Jill Clayburgh, 66, died on November 5, 2010, after a two-decade battle with leukemia that she kept secret from the public. Her passing comes less than a month before her film “Love and Other Drugs” opens in U.S. theaters on November 24.

At a “Love and Other Drugs” press conference that took place November 6 in New York City, Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway expressed condolences and admiration when speaking about Clayburgh, who was one of their co-stars in “Love and Other Drugs.”

Clayburgh had a small role playing the mother Gyllenhaal’s character in “Love and Other Drugs,” a romantic dramedy about a womanizing pharmaceutical sales rep named Jamie Randall (played by Gyllenhaal), who has a complicated love affair with an aspiring painter named Maggie Murdock (played by Hathaway), who happens to have Parkinson’s disease.

Clayburgh’s last film role is in the comedy “Bridesmaids,” which has completed filming and is due out in 2011. She received two Oscar nominations for best actress: for 1978’s “An Unmarried Woman” and 1979’s “Starting Over.” Clayburgh is survived by her husband, playwright/screenwriter David Rabe, and their two children, Lily and Michael.

Here is what Gyllenhaal and Hathaway had to say about Clayburgh. The complete interview from the press conference will be published at a later date.

Can you share any thoughts about Jill Clayburgh?

Gyllenhaal: When I said before about people who live their life, some people have lived it shorter than others, but I think Jill is one of those people, unfortunately, who didn’t have as much time as some. But I think it’s a testament to the fact that we worked together for two days … I heard [that she passed away] this morning. She was just amazing.

I know my parents just recently went through a divorce, and my mother said to me that “An Unmarried Woman” was just such an incredible film for her to watch and helped her so much. I think the work that she [Jill Clayburgh] did, and the woman that she is and was, she was just incredible.

Did you know that she had leukemia before she died?

Gyllenhaal: No. I think that was maybe part of it about her. Her living with that for as long as she did made her appreciate all of the things that she had. Someone like her [in her medical condition], working for two days on a movie like this, it was insane. She was just loving and open and an incredible actor to watch — and giving, even with the few lines that she had, which is a great irony.

Hathaway: She and George [Segal, who plays Gyllenhaal’s father in “Love and Other Drugs”] set your character up so beautifully with their performances, because you understood the world from which [Jamie Randall] came, who he was raised by. I think both of their contributions to the film — I think I speak for all of us when I say our prayers and best wishes go out to Jill’s family.


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Videos: "Love And Other Drugs" AFI Fest 2010 Screening
6 November, 2010 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Love and Other Drugs, Videos

And videos from yesterdays screening of Love and Other Drugs. Just click the thumbs to go view the videos.

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Jake Gyllenhaal proud to have worked with Heath Ledger
6 November, 2010 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Love and Other Drugs, News & Headlines

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal said he was ‘honored’ to get the chance to work with Heath Ledger on ‘Brokeback Mountain.’

Gyllenhaal, 29, starred opposite the actor, who died in January 2008, in the hit movie as well as Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway, who he stars with in new flick ‘Love And Other Drugs.’

He admitted that the new movie is, in part, inspired by ‘Brokeback Mountain.’ Talking about the movie, he said to Britain’s Esquire magazine: “We struck gold with that film. “That movie continues to last, and a large part of that has to do with how extraordinary Heath Ledger was, and what an extraordinary force he was as an actor. “If he were still alive everybody would be clamouring to work with him. I just feel honored to have worked with him and to have called him a friend.”

He added: “This movie that Annie and I made was spawned from that. Love And Other Drugs is the child of Brokeback Mountain. It really is. That’s how it feels to me. I’m desperate to work with Michelle Williams again. That’s what I think is so incredible about having had the luck to have lasted in this business so far. It’s like Seth Rogen was in Donnie Darko. He had half a scene and now he’s this huge star. You know what I mean.”


Jake Gyllenhaal's Hung Up on Erectile Dysfunction
6 November, 2010 Author: Catagories: Interviews, Love and Other Drugs, News & Headlines

There’s been a bit of a recurring theme in conversations about Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway‘s new film Love and Other Drugs: nakedness.

But there’s been less talk about what Jake learned about a certain pharmaceutical in his role as a Viagra salesman. E! News asked the leading man at the movie’s Hollywood premiere just what he’d learned and if he’s had any, um, experiences of his own…

“[Laughs.] What?! I’m surprised my publicist didn’t pull me with that one. ‘No! He’s not answering that question. No!’

“You know, I’m committed to the role,” Jake continued, “and my character actually does have an experience with Viagra. It’s sometimes used for other things than…dysfun…Can I say erectile dysfunction? E! It stands for erectile dysfunction!”

Gyllenhaal was also quick to point out that the movie isn’t all about two really hot people shedding their clothes.

“Yeah, we make a lot of love in the movie. [But] when we’re not doing that, we’re talking.” Intimate conversations aside, the star did concede, “Most of the time, yes, we are naked.”

Check out the video for more on all that nakedness and how he and his costar Hathaway handled their birthday-suit scenes.


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